The Canadian Capsule Planner

If you’ve followed this blog for any amount of time, you know that I live my life by capsule wardrobes. I’ve tried every capsule wardrobe planner I’ve come across and spent hours scrolling Pinterest, slowly developing my own system for planning my own capsule wardrobe.

I am a planner and like to feel prepared for anything. It’s also really important to me to feel like I am appropriately dressed for any situation I’m walking into. But on top of all of this, I am a minimalist and get overwhelmed when I have too many options. Out of necessity, I created this system to help me plan and organize my clothes to live up to all of these criteria. There are tons of wardrobe planners out there, but this is how mine is different:

-it’s designed for people who live with extreme weather

-it acknowledges that not all seasons are equal and you might need many more clothes for one season than another

-it takes into account outerwear and athletic wear

-it strives to achieve the exact right balance of having a minimalist wardrobe but still feeling ready to look amazing in any scenario

I call it the Canadian Capsule Planner, because we in the Great White North deal with some pretty big temperature swings, but this planner will work for anyone in any climate. While there are a lot of resources for sewists, this planner is absolutely useful if you buy all of your clothes. The planner includes a bit of reading, some examples and printable PDFs to plan your year in clothes, your seasonal capsules and organize your must-make lists. Happy planning!

11 thoughts on “The Canadian Capsule Planner

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this. I’ve shared it with my daughter. I think it will really help us both be more organized. Since I sew for her, it will help me to figure out what she really wants for her wardrobe.

    Thanks again!


  2. Just found your blog. Thanks for all of your hard work here—it’s really well written and a great resource! I’m in MN and appreciate the acknowledgement of the weather up here. Imagine! Everyone doesn’t live in Los Angeles! (not that there’s anything wrong with Los Angeles 😊)

  3. This is great! As a Canadian with a very large collection of many years of coats, boots, hats, scarves, sweaters, clothes for all the seasons and occasions and on & on… this looks like it will be truly helpful. Besides clothes for the weather, I truly appreciate the advice for clothing for occasions or just all the different life activities. I work in regenerative agriculture, practice multiple fibre arts, and am required to go out for special occasions multiple times per year (less so for the last year, but I’m expecting a rebound). It would be fantastic not to have to scramble before every exotic event :).
    Thanks so much for sharing this truly helpful resource.

  4. […] will take you through this season. I’m a big fan of uniform dressing (read pages 13-15 in the planner) and like to choose one shape to make my clothes coordinate better (fill out page 30 in the […]

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